Saturday, March 9, 2024
1:00 - 4:00 pm
First Church in Roxbury
10 Putnam Street, Boston, MA 02119

Keynote Speakers:
Historian Byron Rushing will discuss the rich history and ongoing preservation of Roxbury, one of Boston's most historic neighborhoods. Byron served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives for over thirty years, and was also the president of the Museum of African-American History in Boston.
Researcher Aabid Allibhai will discuss his report "Race & Slavery at the First Church in Roxbury (The Colonial Period 1631-1775)," released in early 2023. This report tells the story of at least fifty-eight human beings—Black and Indigenous men, women, and children— who were enslaved by First Church’s white parishioners. Aabid is currently a PhD candidate at Harvard.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to tour the 1804 Meetinghouse with Andrea Gilmore, the preservationist in charge of its restoration. The meetinghouse (pictured below) is the oldest wood-framed church still standing in Boston and its historic building fabric has been remarkably well preserved on both the exterior and the interior. |

Additional details:
The program will also include a brief business meeting for elections and chapter updates. Light refreshments will be served.
NESAH membership and event registration is required to attend the annual meeting. To become a member, or to renew your membership, please visit our membership page. (Please note that anyone with an interest in architecture history is welcome to become a member!)
To register for the meeting, click here: